Home Forums Power Update Refreshing SSAS with security roles using Power Update

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Charles 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    If you have security roles or other features that are not available in Excel when you do an SSAS Database update task in Power Update, you can do the following steps to restore the Roles to the SSAS cube (see attached PDF).

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    Hi Charles,

    Is it possible to implement such function directly to Power Update in future releases?


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    Yes it’s something we’ll consider adding in a future release.


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    We’ve added this feature in the latest version. Power Update now scripts the roles and permissions from the original cube on SSAS and re-creates them after the restore.
    You can update to the latest version by re-running the webinstaller (pusetup.exe).


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    I’m using the latest version (just installed today, pusetup.exe), and I’m able to refresh to SSAS Tabular without problem.  However, this feature seems to not be working as the SSAS roles are wiped out and not restored after refresh.  Did this feature make it to the latest version?  There are no errors/warnings in the history, and there is nothing in PU.log about backing up/restoring the roles.

    I’ve tried with running Power Update from the local SSAS server, as well as a different server.  The user running has local admin on the SSAS box and is an SSAS Server admin.  The SSAS Service Account had read access to the workbooks, as well as the user temp directory.  I also tried with the SSAS Service Account being a local admin.


    Thanks in advance,

    -Jeff Williams


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    I am using Power Update version 1.1.393.    When using the SSAS restore option, the security Roles are not being reproduced.  I don’t see any settings which effects whether to restore Roles or not.   I am using the paid for version.

    Please advise.


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    The feature works in our test environments.
    To diagnose the problem, please update to the latest version by re-downloading and set ScritptRoles to True in C:\Program Files\PowerPlanner\Power Update\PQRefresh.exe.config and check if the C:\Users\B\AppData\Local\Temp\Power Update\roles.xmla file is generated during the update with the proper roles in it.

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