Home Forums Power Pivot Blank column on a PIVOTTABLE

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  • #18159

    • Started: 25
    • Replies: 28
    • Total: 53

    Hi, I have a measure that works on fining the top 25 MODELS sold this month. I then use the same measure but modified for OH and again for INTRANSIT.

    My issue is the column in the PIVOT TABLE isn’t wide enough to show the name, but I dont want to widen it as the other items above and below fit in the column.

    What I need is a blank column in the pivot table to allow more data from the left column to appear.


    This is my current measure.

    TOP 25 MODEL UNITS SOLD:=VAR RankingContext =
    VALUES (‘tblInvMaster'[BRAND – MODEL])
    VAR TopNumber = 25
    TOPN ( TopNumber, ALL( ‘tblInvMaster'[BRAND – MODEL]),[SALES UNITS SOLD] ),

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