Home Forums Power Pivot Converting PIVOT TABLES to cube members

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  • #18160

    • Started: 25
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    Hi, I’m trying to convert my last report that has a pivot table to CUBEMEMBERS. I would like this so the structure and length can always be the same. Plus my formatting, fonts… will match.


    But I have BRAND names that change each time the report is rerun. I don’t want to create Excel formulas to trick the system. I would rather my whole report be the same logical plan.


    Below is an example of a table converted. This part will keep changing, any thoughts? (&[APEA10 – CT5458]”))

    =CUBEMEMBER(“ThisWorkbookDataModel”,”[tblInvMaster].[BRAND – MODEL].&[APEA10 – CT5458]”)




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    You may need to re-think your measures to generalize how they handle the brands that change from month-to-month.

    Difficult to say more unless you can post a small workbook sample that shows how the values change from month to month.



    • Started: 25
    • Replies: 28
    • Total: 53

    Hi, I have some sample data.

    Is there a way for me to upload it privately or send you a dropbox link.


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