Home Forums Power Pivot PowerPivotPro: Welcome to our forums

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  vitor 8 years, 2 months ago.

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    Avi Singh
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    You already have tons of resources on our site http://www.PowerPivotPro.com (see list below) to learn about Power Pivot and Power BI.
    Now, you can use these forums to get your questions answered or discuss features/functionality. Just pick the relevant forum (Power Pivot, Power Update etc.) and post your message there.

    Start with the resources available on our main site


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    Thanks for setting up a very resourceful learning blog.

    Keep up the good job


    • Started: 5
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    • Total: 21

    Good day

    I bought the powerpivot 2nd edition, great book sofar.

    Whenever I create a relationship between my Calendar table and Sales table I get the following error ” Failed to set uniqueness in column date”

    Am I doing something wrong, every date is the same format….just cant understand what the problem is.

    Hope you guys can help.


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    Rob! i just stared to read the 2 edition Power BI and Power Pivot bookle using Kindle… and the way you express thougths, minds, ideas it’s perfect! Thanks to dedicated your time to build it! Congratulations!


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