Home Forums Power Update Update fails in std mode but succeeds in diagnostic mode

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  bda75 8 years ago.

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  • #2406

    • Started: 8
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    PU sometimes fails to update one of my workbooks with the following error message
    <pre class=”theme:github font:consolas lang:default decode:true “>Updating workbook Z:\Headcount Report – E and P – P and S – shared\CareerConnectExtract.xlsx failed. Please check additional messages in task history for detailed errors. Opening file C:\Users\bdarbonneau\AppData\Local\Temp\Power Update\e13f4dc4-c2e5-499b-b6bd-e31d013b5f3a\CareerConnectExtract.xlsx failed. Please make sure that the user running the task has access to the file and that the file is not locked. Error: Call was rejected by callee. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED)) Trace: at PQRefresh.Program.ProcessExcelFileInternal(String taskName, String tempFolder, String ExcelFile, Boolean importToSQL, String TargetFolder, String baseURL, String folder, ICredentials cred, String credentialName, String file, String pbixPass)



    When I turn on ‘Diagnostic mode’ to check if any error dialog pops up, nothing happens, and the update task completes nicely ! This leaves me with no clue as to what to do to ensure that the update succeeds in standard mode.

    Would anyone have a suggestion ?



    • Started: 8
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    I am still experiencing this same issue. Would love to find a solution.


    • Started: 8
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    I finally found it: the workbook contains several pivot tables with  a common table as a data source. The table contains a DAX query which retrieves data from a Tabular server. In order to ensure that the pivot tables remain in sync after the data table is refreshed, I had checked the option “refresh data when opening the file”. When this option is unchecked, the refresh is carried out without errors.

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